Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have been carrying around this cute, little notebook in hopes that I would write down random thoughts or songs that I think are worth remembering. Usually I'll just scribble a few words without any context because I assume that I'll remember it. The notebook isn't anywhere near being full. Either I don't have a pen, am too lazy, or am under the influence (my laziest but also when I have the best thoughts.)
On one page there is a list that reads;
lollipop breaks
somali pirates
the concept of belts
secret slut bag

I only remember what I meant and where I was for two items listed. Since employees at my job are free to take cigarette breaks I believe I should be able to take as many fucking lollipop breaks as I want. And the secret slut bag is this vintage bag I bought that zips up into a shoulder purse and unzips into a tiny, weekend bag. Perfect for secret sluts! I can only guess that the concept of belts was written in anger because I am anti anything that keeps pants on.

Anyway, I'm happy about Kristina's blogging idea because now maybe I will use my notebook like I intended and I get to read about my pretty, funny, awesome friends' lives. YES!